Since RUBIG has the necessary experience in nitriding, the professional project management and the optimal customer support, more and more customer requested a product portfolio extension to include gas nitriding technology. With „GASCON K2“ RUBIG Industrial Furnaces now offers the most common processes in the field of nitriding; the only edge coating hardening process that combines high surface hardness, high internal compressive stresses and good tribological properties with the lowest distortion behavior.
New technology in industrial furnaces: GASCON K2

The process
In contrast to plasma nitriding, gas nitriding convinces with thick compound layers and a comparatively high pore margin – attributes that are indispensable in the case of certain further processing processes. In addition, the use of controlled atmospheres enables the efficient and economical treatment of high charging densities and the nitriding of the components at all desired points without exception, even down to the smallest bore. Places that should not be nitrated are covered with a protective paste.
With this product range expansion, RUBIG has proven its cross-industry farsightedness on the market by taking a targeted look at the entire process chain.