It is a MICROPULS® Everest plasma nitriding furnace - the specialty of RUBIG Industrial Furnace. One of the charging trays, shown in the picture on the right, is designed for components with a height of up to 3 m. The second floor, the left one, even measures a usable height of 6 m. Particularly long components, such as shafts, spindles or screws, can thus not only be nitrided, but also nitrocarburized and/or oxidized.
RUBIG puts one of the largest nitriding furnaces into operation!

However, this is not the first large-scale furnace produced by RUBIG. In the past, a MICROPULSE ® Everest has already been realized with an usable height of even 7.5 m.
In addition to its size, this furnace, like all system solutions of the MICROPULS®-Generation, convinces due to an excellent process control with a powerful plasma generator and its environmental compatibility.
Manufactured by RUBIG Industrial Furnaces and put into operation by RUBIG Heat Treatment - this MICROPULSE® Everest furnace is a prime example of the synergy reached by the cooperation of RUBIG divisions.
Contact us and learn more about the furnaces of the MICROPULS®-Generation!